If you're a volunteer leader, this is the place for you!

Thank You for Leading!

We love our volunteers! A huge thank you from the bottom of of our heart
for the time and energy you dedicate to your ministry.

This page is a place for you to find resources that will help you be successful in leading your ministry well. It’s our privilege to partner with you as you influence people to find and follow Jesus!


Want your events to be the best they can be? Need to know how to get reimbursed for that purchase? Scroll through the tabs below for all the details. Still have questions? Check out our FAQs!


LifePoint Church

Groups and Involvement

Prayer & Care

Event Planning



All events require approval by the staff Ministry Leadership Team (MLT) before being promoted or added to the calendar. Be sure you submit your Event Request well ahead of time so this approval process can happen!

In additional to the MLT, your Event Request will be sent to various departments so they are aware of your event. This includes:

  • Your ministry coordinator, so the event can be added to the calendar and any necessary registration can be set up once approval occurs
  • Our Communications team, if your event requires communication or promotion
  • Our Finance team, so they are aware of budget impact
  • Our Facilities team, so they are aware of any building needs. For larger events, our Facilities team may also need to meet with you ahead of time.



A successful event begins well ahead of time. For large events, the planning should begin at least six months or more before the event takes place. Before submitting the Event Request, schedule a planning meeting with your team and determine the following details:



Before planning an event, you need to determine if your event fits the overall purpose and values of LifePoint Church. All events begin with an idea. But not every good idea is worth executing, so your filtering process is crucial.

Filter #1: Purpose

Does your event fit the mission of LifePoint Church, of Influencing People to Find and Follow Jesus? If this event won’t help us accomplish our mission, then we probably shouldn’t do it…even if it is an amazing idea.

Additional questions to consider:

  1. How will this event connect people to God, LifePoint and each other?
  2. How will this event reach people in our community?
  3. What is the Cost/Benefit Analysis of this event?
  4. Does this event support the strategy and vision of LifePoint Church?
  5. Does this event have a clear purpose or is it just “something we’ve always done?”
Filter #2: Values

If purpose tells us IF we should do the event, our values tell us HOW. At LifePoint Church, our values help us plan events.

Questions to consider:

  1. Can we execute this event with excellence?
  2. Will this event reach more than one generation?
  3. Is this an event that we can build on each year?
  4. Is this event a good use of our financial resources?
  5. Is this event a good use of our volunteer resources?


Once you’ve determined that your event fits the mission and values of LifePoint, it’s time to plan some details. Below is a list of all the information you will need to have to fill out your Event Request Form.

Contact person

  • Who is the one staff member or ministry leader ultimately in charge?
  • What are their contact details?

Event details

  • What is the name of the event?
  • What is a brief description of the event?
  • What are the dates and times?
  • How many people are expected, and what assumptions helped you arrive at that number?
  • Will there be food? If so, is it catered or donated?
  • Will your event include music?
  • Will you be providing childcare? (See our Childcare Policy for more info.)

Location and Facilities

Is the event onsite, offsite or online?

If onsite:

  • What LifePoint rooms will be needed?
  • Will you need to set up additional tables and chairs?
  • What time does setup begin?
  • What time does setup end?
  • Who will be responsible for opening and closing the building?
  • Who will be responsible for set up and clean up?
  • Will the event require audio or visual support? Do you have a trained volunteer to help?
  • Do you need a professional or volunteer videographer? Photographer?
  • Will you need custodial support during or after your event?

If offsite:

  • What is the location address?
  • Do you need a printed map TO the location and/or OF the location?
  • What about parking and transportation?
  • Is a certificate of liability insurance required?

If online:

  • What platform will you be using?

Promotions and Communication

  • Will your event need promotion or communication?
  • Do you have a promotion blurb you want to use?
  • When should promotion begin (typically 4-6 weeks before the event, 6-8 weeks for larger events)?
  • What promotion channels will you be requesting?
  • Do you need graphics designed or updated? If so, what graphics do you need? Is there a certain look or vibe you are going for?
  • Are you planning to promote this event outside of LifePoint? If so, how?

Budget Impact

  • What is the budget for this event?
  • What costs are involved?
  • What equipment is needed? Do we have it? Can we borrow it? Will we rent it?
  • Do we know when deposits and payments need to be made?
  • Do our internal payment deadlines give us enough time to make our payments?
  • Are we charging attendees?


  • Does your event require advance registration?
  • Is it paid or free?
  • When should it begin and end?
  • Will you be collecting registrations at the door?
  • How much information do you need to collect from attendees?
  • Are there any registration details to consider, such pricing discounts, merchandise or multiple types of attendees?

    As you wrestle through these questions and begin to write things down, create an event overview. This is a one or two page document with bullet point information about the event. It’s an at-a-glance summary, suitable for public viewing. Having this information written down will also help when you get ready to fill out the Event Request Form (ERF).



    Once your event request has been submitted and approved, it’s time to get more people involved! Here are some additional questions to ask as you plan out and schedule your timeline of tasks that need to be done in order for your event to happen.

    Volunteers and other ministry involvement

    • What key leader positions do we need?
    • How many volunteers are needed?
    • Is there a rotation or a schedule?
    • How will volunteers sign up to help?
    • Are there volunteer training meetings?
    • Do church staff members have responsibilities?
    • How will this event impact other events and ministries?
    • Do we have contact information for everyone involved?
    • Are any other people or groups involved?



    Here’s a sample timeline for a medium to large event (not an exhaustive list):


    FIVE TO SIX MONTHS OUT (or more)

    • Planning Meeting to determine event details
    • Determine event budget
    • Fill out Event Request Form
    • Create an initial order of events


    • Make sure event request is approved and on the church calendar
    • Meet with Facilities team to plan use of building
    • Finalize order of events
    • Communicate with lead volunteers to make sure they are on board


    • Final approval of graphic package and any signage or handouts
    • Finalize registration details
    • Finalize any food or supplies needed
    • Finalize any support services needed (childcare, audio/visual, etc.)
    • Meet with lead volunteers; begin other volunteer signups
    • Begin promotion (if promoting outside of regular LifePoint channels)


    • Registration open on website
    • Communicate needs and expectations to volunteer team
    • Finalize all details


    • Purchase any remaining supplies
    • Communicate all final details to volunteer team



    We want our building to be blessing to our LifePoint family and our wider community and to be used to the glory of God.



    • Use of any LifePoint room must be requested in advance; we have many different ministries and groups using the facility so never assume a room is available without reserving it ahead of time.
    • Any ministry or individual requesting use of the building for an event should complete an Event Request Form (ERF), which requires approval from the Ministry Leadership Team (MLT). An Event Request form must be used for any gathering that requires promotion or sign-ups, has a budget impact or impacts other ministries.
    • A simple room request (not tied to an event) can be made by contacting the church office or your Ministry Coordinator.
    • Use of certain rooms and resources (for example, Underground, worship center, lobby and LPKids spaces) will require approval from the appropriate primary ministry. Primary ministry use of these rooms has priority over any other request. Please plan well in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts.



    • When requesting use of the building, one person must be designated as responsible for set up/clean up and one person for opening/closing the building (can be the same person).
    • For larger events that require multiple rooms, food, additional tables & chairs, and/or custodial service, we may ask you to meet with our Facilities Team prior to your event.
    • Rooms should be left as you found them (or better!). Tables, chairs and other equipment must be returned to their proper place at the end of the event.
    • All food must be brought into the building. There are no “cooking” kitchen facilities in the church.
    • Any use of candles or any other open flame devices needs to have the prior approval of the Facilities Team.
    • The use of alcohol on the property is prohibited.
    • The requesting party is responsible for any damage to the property or equipment used.
    • LifePoint is not responsible for any items left at the church.



    • The ministry leader or event owner will be responsible for opening and closing the building (unless a different person is designated on the Event Request form).
    • The main front entrance to the building (the eight sets of double doors under the awning) is locked outside of weekend service hours. These doors should be kept locked during events unless advance permission is granted by the Facilities Team.
    • The primary entrance to the building outside of weekend service hours is the ministry wing entrance, located to the right of the awning. This entrance can be accessed via key fob or by pressing the call button to the right of the doors.
        • Key fobs can be issued to ministry leaders and key volunteers – see KEY REQUEST below.
        • When the call button is pressed, various phones ring in the building (including at reception desk, welcome desk, Room 200, Underground and Breakaway) and the caller can be let in by picking up the handset and pressing the * button. The individual who lets the caller in is responsible to make sure that the caller is permitted in the building.
        • Event coordinators are encouraged to assign a greeter to open the door for attendees.
    • Doors should never be propped open, unless a greeter is stationed there the entire time.



    • Regular users of the building, including key volunteers, ministry leaders or group leaders may request to be issued a key fob for keyless entry.
        • Submit a Building Access Request form, which must be approved by the ministry leader.
        • Anyone who is issued a key to the building must also undergo a criminal background check, at LifePoint’s expense.
    • Key fobs may also be issued for a one-time use of the building. Fobs must be returned after the event is over.
    • Anyone who has access to the building is responsible for who they let into the building and must secure the building when they leave.



    In case of a building emergency or maintenance issue, please contact our Building & Grounds Supervisor, Steve Scott.





    The following are the current channels we use to communicate our messages and information. Ministries may request a specific communication channel be used, but the Communications Team will follow these guidelines for prioritizing promotions. 

    MAIN WEBSITE :: Our main website, lifepointchurch.us, is our primary vehicle for communicating general church information to potential visitors. The website should be a positive first impression of LifePoint Church and convey information clearly and simply. The website is secondarily a resource for the congregation to find upcoming church event details, to communicate with the office (example: staff contact info, etc.) and to learn about specific ministries.

    WEEKEND SERVICE ELEMENTS :: The Communications Team supports the Weekend Teams to create a unified worship experience. In addition to sermon graphics, these elements include:

    • Service Host script – the Service Host welcomes guests, directs people to connection pathways and sets the tone of the service by calling people to worship.
    • Pre/post service slides – Before and after weekend services, announcement slides are displayed in the worship center and on our livestream. These slides are primarily used to highlight ongoing ministries and to provide key information for first-time visitors.

    LIVESTREAM :: Our weekend service livestream goes live our website, Facebook and LifePoint Live every Sunday at 9:00 am. The primary purpose of the stream is to allow people who are sick, homebound or on vacation to worship with us from home. It’s also serves as way for people to “check us out” for those who are interested in attending an in-person service. 

    CHURCH CENTER APP:: The Church Center app (CCA) is the front-facing side of Planning Center Online (PCO). While PCO is used church-wide and by most of our ministries, the Communications Department manages and directs what is viewing on the CCA. The CCA is the main tool by which people join a group, sign up for an event or volunteer. The CCA also currently houses the weekly digital guide.

    WEEKLY DIGITAL GUIDE :: The digital guide is our primary tool for communicating to and engaging with our weekend service audience on upcoming events and church-wide campaigns. The digital guide also features important information for first-time guests on Sunday mornings.

    SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES: FACEBOOK PAGE (MAIN PAGE); INSTAGRAM (MAIN PAGE) :: The LifePoint Social Media main pages are intended to broaden our reach to a wider public audience. Our Social Media pages are intended to highlight our weekend services, share stories of life change, create awareness of how LifePoint is making a difference and to encourage involvement. Some individual ministries also have their own social media platforms, all of which fall under scope of the Communications Team. View our detailed Social Media Guidelines HERE

    MASS EMAIL ::  Mass emails (or email blasts) are limited to regularly scheduled messages and urgent or time- sensitive news updates (deaths, cancellations of major church events, or other emergency news that relates to LifePoint members).

    • The weekly newsletter is intended to update email subscribers on church happenings.
      • It is a hub from which readers are directed to other online church resources, including the website, prayer list, and ministry updates.
      • It is a vehicle for communicating how LifePoint is making a positive impact on the community both within the church and community. This will reflect what is celebrated during the weekend experience.
    • The prayer newsletter includes a short, encouraging devotional and updates our subscribed audience on church-wide prayer requests.

    TEXT ALERTS :: Text alerts provide a way to communicate brief, time-sensitive messages to specific audiences. In general, text messages are sent to individuals in our LifePoint community who have opted in to receive them, but also may be sent to our broader audience for urgent communications or church-wide campaigns. 

    PRINT MEDIA :: Print media includes anything from banners in the lobby, to cards in the welcome bags, to posters in the bathroom. We use print media where appropriate to serve as another means for people to see information in person. Print media can also be used in conjunction with QR codes to provide an easy way to access digital information.

    ADDITIONAL COMMUNICATION TOOLS :: The Communications Team will work with ministries to find the most appropriate and effective channels to communicate their messages. In addition to the above channels, we have a variety of additional communication tools we utilize:

    • Podcast
    • Videos 
    • Landing pages
    • Graphics
    • Photos
    • Written copy
    • Ministry-specific social media platforms
    • QR codes


    Requests for communications should be made by following the guidelines based on the type of request. All requests should be made by utilizing the Event Request Form.

    Event Promotion

    Event promotion requests should be submitted as soon as a ministry has planned an event (ideally 6-8 weeks before date of the event; 8-12 weeks ahead if graphics and/or video are requested). Event promotion requests should be submitted as part of the initial Event Request Form, whenever possible.

    Website Update

    Updates to ministry webpage can be requested if existing information is incorrect or outdated. Updates can include photos, wording or page layout. To make a request for an update, please fill out the Event Request form and select “Communication Request ONLY.”

    Church-wide Campaign

    Church-wide campaigns typically involve a specific call to action over a period of time or a large promotion campaign for a church-wide event, such as Easter or Christmas. Requests for promoting church-wide campaigns are generally initiated at the MLT (Ministry Leadership Team) level.

    Email Blast

    In general, mass emails (email blasts) outside of our regularly scheduled messages are reserved for urgent or time-sensitive news updates (deaths, cancellations of major church events, or other critical news that relates to our LifePoint family). Requests for a church-wide email blast (outside of our weekly email newsletter) should come only from a member of the ELT (Executive Leadership Team), the senior pastor or the elders.

    Video Request

    Requests for an original video that is not already part of an event or church-wide campaign should be made at least 12 weeks ahead of time. Video requests will be approved on a case-by-case basis. To make a request for an update, please fill out the Event Request form and select “Communication Request ONLY.”



    The people of LifePoint Church give generously to support ministry. Volunteer ministry leaders should work with their staff leaders to plan how to use the funds allocated into their ministry budgets.


    Our ministry fiscal year runs from September through August. Ministry leaders will receive budget reports each month from the Finance Director to keep track of spending.

    The budget process for the next fiscal year begins in April. Ministry leaders will receive budget worksheets to complete as part of the planning process. The final budget is approved in August. Any questions about this process can be directed to the Finance Director.


    If you purchase supplies or food and need to be reimbursed, submit your receipts with a Check Request Form to your ministry admin. Depending on your role and the ministry you lead, you may need ministry staff approval before you make purchases or get reimbursed. Regardless of your level of responsibility, please maintain the highest integrity, wise stewardship, and frequent communication/updates about finances with your staff ministry leader.

    Purchases of $350 or more require approval before making the purchase, using a Purchase Request Form. Once this form is submitted, it goes through an approval process, including your staff ministry leader, the Finance Director and the Director of Operations.


    Check Request Form: This form should be filled out when reimbursement is needed for a purchase that has already occurred or a check needs to be sent to a vendor, speaker, etc. Please be sure to fill in the budget category correctly. The budget category should match an actual category that is listed on the monthly budget report that ministry leaders receive. The form along with receipts should be submitted to ministry admin so the staff ministry leader can approve before turning into the Finance Director.

    Purchase Request Form: This form must be filled out for any purchase or payment over $350. Once this form is submitted, it goes through an approval process. It is first signed by your staff ministry leader before being submitted to the Finance Director and then the Director of Operations. The purchase should not be made until you are notified that it has been approved.

    Conference Request FormThis form must be filled out if you or your ministry team is thinking about attending a conference. Prior to registering, the form must be submitted to the staff ministry leader for approval and then to the Director of Operations and Finance Director for financial approval.

    W-9 Form: Anyone providing a service such as a speaker, guest musician, interpreter, or teacher for payment, must complete a W-9 form before they are paid. They do not need to complete a new form every time they are paid; only if their information has changed or it has been more than 3 years since their last payment. If you need to know if we already have completed a W-9 form on file for someone, contact the Finance Director.

    Petty Cash: A ministry leader can request petty cash for an event in advance by completing a Cash Advance Form. Petty cash is used for change when tickets or registrations are taken at the door. Contact the Finance Director at least 10 days prior to the event.

    BJ’s membershipLifePoint has a business membership for BJ’s that can be used by ministry leaders to make tax exempt purchases for a ministry event. If you need to use it for your ministry, please see the Finance Director to sign out the card. When you are finished with the card, please return it so others can use it.

    Sales Tax Exempt CardsLifePoint Church has sales tax exempt cards, available from the Finance Director, that can be used for purchases to avoid paying Maryland sales tax. The card should not be used for personal purchases. If you are making both personal and church purchases at the same time, please make sure they are rung up and paid for separately.

    LifePoint Church is also sales tax exempt in Pennsylvania (mostly used when the church has a retreat or conference at a PA hotel or conference center). Please see the Finance Director for this form.

    Gift CardsGift cards are sometimes used by ministries to thank volunteers, guest speakers, etc. Anytime a gift card is purchased, please be sure to include the recipient’s name on the reimbursement form. Currently it is our policy that gift cards should not be given to paid LifePoint Church staff. If you have any questions pertaining to giving gift cards, please contact the Finance Director.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Who is my ministry coordinator? What can they help with?

    This information is current as of May 2024. Below are the staff coordinators for each ministry.

    • GroupLife and Adult Ministries (Small groups, Starting Point, Foundations, Marriage, Women’s, Men’s, MOPS, Vital Signs) –  Lacey Ausfresser
    • Care (GriefShare, Celebrate Recovery, Changing Cancer, DivorceCare, Prayer, Care Team) – Lacey Ausfresser
    • Outreach (FPU, Missions, local & global partners) – Ally Dilworth

    What can they help with?

    • Updating the ministry website page(s)
    • Event registration using Planning Center Registrations
    • Database management
    • Scheduling church rooms and resources using Planning Center Calendar
    • Setting up groups using Planning Center Groups
    • Facilitating communication between church staff and ministry volunteers
    • Training on how to use church equipment and resources, such as the copier machine
    How do I book a room at LifePoint Church?

    If you are planning…

    Just a meeting? Contact your ministry coordinator to reserve a room.

    An event? Fill out an Event Request Form. (All calendar events that require registration, payment, promotion and/or approval need an Event Request Form).

    A small group? Fill out a small group info form

    How do I make copies?
    • Contact your ministry coordinator to get your ministry copy code
    • Your ministry coordinator will give you a tutorial of how to use the copy machine if needed
    What volunteer roles require background checks?

    Background checks are required for:

    • Anyone 18+ working with children or students
    • Any volunteer getting a key to the building
    What can I put on my ministry's social media page?


    We encourage LifePoint staff, ministry leaders, and members to engage on our social media platforms. The following guidelines help us determine what posts we accept or reject. This list is not comprehensive, and the Communications Team will use its discretion when approving or denying posts made on its social media pages. *

    Approved Posts

    • Inspirational (with a call-to-action)
    • Informational (to promote events, service opportunities, etc…)
    • Prayer Request
    • Encouragement
    • Church events (encourage direct posting; not sharing into the group)
    • Church outreach (encourage direct posting; not sharing into the group)
    • LP ministry updates and events

    Case-by-Case Approval

    • Give away items (i.e. cars, furniture, etc.)
    • Meal Train
    • Other local church events (i.e., living nativities, etc…)
    • Community events (i.e., carnivals, fall fests, Easter egg hunts, other family friendly events, etc…)

    Prohibited Practices**

    • Posts which include explicit, obscene, or indecent content
    • Posts which include abusive, threatening, defamatory, or unlawful content
    • Avoid uploading or attaching files that contain viruses, corrupt files, or anything else that may damage the operation of another person’s computer
    • Don’t post anything you know to be untrue, inaccurate, or misleading
    • If you don’t own it, don’t post it—this includes photos, videos, etc.
    • Content which violates the platform’s terms and conditions
    • Content which contains personal contact information
    • Any posts that we feel are not in line with the spirit of our communities—such as advertising, spam, posts that promote products, or off-topic discussions may be removed. Repeat offenders will be blocked, potentially from multiple platforms.

    *In the event a post made or requested by LifePoint staff, ministry leader, or member is denied, that individual can expect to be notified by the Communications Team with an explanation for the rejection of their post.

    **Posts made or requested which fall under this category may result in the Communications Team blocking member from LifePoint’s social media platform(s) and/or reporting member on that platform.

    View our complete LifePoint Social Media Guidelines HERE.

    Where can I store supplies for my ministry?

    There is a ministry closet located in the lower level hallway across from the bathrooms with space allocated for each ministry. Ministry leaders can request a key to this closet.

    How far out should I plan an event?

    The further out the better but ideally 12 weeks in advance. See more details in the event information section above.