December 29, 2021
LifePoint Family and Friends,
Maybe you saw it coming. With Covid out of control, it was just a matter of time before we would all be asked to once again double-down in preventing the spread of the virus. Beginning today, Baltimore County has instituted a mask mandate that includes our church since LifePoint is located in Baltimore County.
At least until January 31, 2022, masks are required in public places. That means we’ll be requiring masks to be worn in our worship services beginning this weekend, January 2. We’ve done this before so we know we can do it again. I get it; it’s not fun. But our ministry will continue with this minor inconvenience. Our mission of influencing people to find and follow Jesus is undeterred by this sweeping pandemic. People are still finding Jesus and people are still following Him. And we get a front row seat! We’ll trust God together and be ready to watch Him work as He continues to challenge and change us.
Thank you for the part you play in helping to make LifePoint an incredible movement of God. And thanks for looking for new ways to trust God even when life goes a little sideways. I’m grateful for you. And I’m honored to serve alongside you as we offer hope to each other and to a world that needs Jesus.
Gratefully in His grace,
Joe Duke
Sr. Pastor