August 5, 2020
Dear LifePoint Family and Friends,
Enough of this Covid pandemic! If you’re like me, you go back and forth between exhilaration and exhaustion. I miss “seeing” all of you. About a month ago we resumed live worship services. That’s helped me feel connected. I’ve once again been deeply moved by our worship time. And I’m thrilled that I get to preach to “real” people.
As always, we want you to feel comfortable about choosing the venue that’s right for you. For that reason, we’re continuing to provide a livestream worship service on Sunday mornings. Most of you have decided to join us through that venue rather than in person. Again, that’s fine.
We did make one recent change to our worship service times. We’re combining both of our live Sunday worship services into one. We’ve suspended our 11:30 service for now. We hope to add more services back into the mix as more people feel comfortable attending in person. So, we’ll continue to offer our 9:30 live worship service on Sunday. Like always, that’s also the service we’ll be streaming online.
Dealing with a Covid pandemic means that things are always in flux. Circumstances can change weekly. With God’s help, we’ll do our best to minister to our church family and provide options for your growth, care and involvement. As a church, we pivoted on a dime. I’m so proud of our staff and volunteers who continue to be diligent about serving our church family. We’re working overtime to offer you meaningful content and connection in this new reality. And don’t forget this is an awesome time to be a light in a culture that is confused and hurting. Our mission of influencing people to find and follow Jesus has not been diminished in the slightest!
As always, I’m interested in your feedback. Thanks for your resilience, generosity, faith and patience! It’s impossible to grow apart from hardship and challenge. Since that’s true, we’re all positioned to grow by leaps and bounds. I’m hoping you’re experiencing the grace of God and are encouraged by His presence in your life!
Gratefully in His grace,
Joe Duke